English Theatre Berlin - International Performing Arts Center

Fidicinstraße 40, 10965 Berlin
Tel. 030 / 693 56 92

Tickettelefon:    030 / 691 12 11
E-Mail Tickets:     tickets@etberlin.de

THE LAB: Anne Welenc & Michel Wagenschütz

Are we the “protagonists” of our own lives or merely supporting characters in larger narratives? Over the course of a one-week LAB, Anne Welenc and Michel Wagenschütz will explore this question both thematically and formally, presenting a double feature of new material. THE LAB is the artist and audience development series at ETB | IPAC. Founded by Daniel Brunet in 2003, it offers Berlin-based artists an opportunity to share their work-in-progress with an audience and receive feedback in the form of a post-performance discussion.

Alle Termine

  • 25.01.2025, 20:00 Uhr
    English Theatre Berlin
    Fidicinstraße 40
    10965 Berlin